
If you don’t find an answer below, please use the link to Contact Us

Please click the yellow “Subscribed Plans” button at the top right side of your screen. You will then be prompted to select one of the plans of your choosing on the homepage.

Our online viewer requires:

  • Microsoft Windows Vista / Mac OSX 10.6 or higher (Linux is not supported).
  • iPad 2+, iPhone 4+ iPad, Android and tablet.
  • High-speed internet (5.0 mbps or higher).
  • Adobe Flash 10.3 or higher (except iOS devices).

Yes. We have implemented a video player that allows you to adjust the speed between 0.5x, 1x, 1.5x, and 2x so you can watch at a pace that suits your needs.

If you have forgotten your password, click the “Login” button in the top right corner of your screen. On the Login page, please select the “Forget Password” option and you will be walked through the process.

Once you have logged in, you can go to your account by clicking the circle with the first letter of your name, then the “My Account” option from the drop-down menu. Within your account, you can update your password by selecting the “Change Password” option.

Unfortunately not. All subscriptions begin at Sign Up as soon as your payment has been processed.

The videos and text are designed to complement one another so they are not offered separately.

You may be logged into one device at a time.

We offer a free account to ensure customer satisfaction and allow users to get a sense of what their experience will be when purchasing a Full Access Membership Plan. However, due to the nature of online digital content, all sales are final.

Yes. Once you have a Full Access Membership Plan, you will have access to all future content at no additional cost.